Thank You And Happy (Early) Holidays!

I’ve only been on this blog journey for a few months and I am utterly gobsmacked at the wave of support I receive on a daily basis. Since I will be having a very Jewish Christmas (Chinese food + movie) tomorrow with the family, I won’t have time to send my Christmas tidings.

I want to take a minute to personally thank (and shamelessly promote) a few bloggers that have either supported my posts, took the time out of their busy blogging schedules to reblog, comment and like, and/or are just nice/funny/interesting folks:

I know I’ve forgotten a ton of other blogging “friends.” Please forgive me or yell at me to update this list 🙂


Thank you and Happy Holidays Folks!

5 thoughts on “Thank You And Happy (Early) Holidays!

  1. Syn_Sunflower says:

    Oooo I feel so special! 🙂 thank you for mentioning me! Have a great holiday week/end! Can’t wait to see more posts from you in the new year! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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