
For the last several weeks, my daycare provider has clued me into some unusual behavior. Andrew is headbutting the other kids. Not because he’s angry or mad, but because he thinks it’s funny. He sends a few of the boys into crying fits, while he stands by chuckling.

Precursor to a sadistic, psychotic personality disorder? I don’t think so.

I think Andrew is in a sensory mode, trying to communicate but with limited means. He can’t form too many words, can’t walk yet, and he doesn’t know how to play with others, let alone share.

My daycare provider keeps separating him from the group and I’m not sure that’s the best remediation, although I’m at a lost for a better alternative.

I’m hoping he grows out of this phase (if it is a phase). Socializing toddlers this young poses a myriad of challenges. They still aren’t too self-aware, have only a slight concept of right and wrong behavior and want to touch/feel everything around them. I just wish he wasn’t sensing with his forehead.

Metroparent.com says, “Typically manifesting between 18 months and 2 years old, the behavior is a way for toddlers to send a message. It should subside once they start talking at around 3 or 4.”

Any thoughts/recommendations?