Mumz The Word Nominated For “One Lovely Blog” Award

one-lovely-blog-awardI was nominated by for the One Lovely Blog Award. Thank you my spanglish familia! I accept (and feel horrible that it has taken me this long to post) and must follow these rules:

– Thank the person who nominated you for the award.

– Add the One Lovely Blog logo to your post. – Share 7 facts/or things about yourself.

– Nominate about 15 bloggers you admire and  inform nominees by commenting on their blog.

7 Facts About Me:

1.) I have never “roughed it” camping! The only thing close to “camping” is what most people call “glamping” or “glamor camping” which includes all of the creature comforts (like running water, shower, toilets, electricity, etc.) at the campsite (a little shack/facility is usually 1/2 a mile away).

2.) I don’t eat cow. It’s not really a political protest (maybe 20%) as much as it is a texture and taste issue. I love game meat like venison.

3.) Almost every outfit I wear has some element of black. It’s my favorite color and incredibly slimming. My style is usually black with one muted color. My friends call my style very British- drab and boring. I tend to focus my style on handbags, make-up and hair under the belief that if you feel beautiful it really doesn’t matter what you wear.

4.) Learning and education is VERY important to me- it’s what I live for. I’m a law nerd. In my free time and after grad school work, I read family case law and jurisprudence (since it’s relevant to my situation). Knowledge is power, right? Billy Budd is one of my favorite books. After I finish my masters in communications, I plan on going to law school and pursue communications law, serving as a litigator on cases of libel, slander, defamation, plagiarism, copyright and trademark infringement and a little bit of contract law. I am passionate about women’s issues, especially domestic violence, so I wonder if I would be better served practicing law as an advocate even if it means a pay cut. All my advance degrees will probably keep me in the poor house for life. Cue Suze Orman screaming at me.

5.) My favorite food is Mediterranean anything. I eat hummus and drink Turkish coffee on a daily basis. It’s in my blood.

6.) Although I was raised Jewish, I only practice the traditions with my son and family members to keep us mindful of our roots. Religion or practicing spiritually is not part of my life. I’d like to think I’m more of a humanist: Live and let live. I buy into the whole enlightened living concept, even if it is incredibly difficult to do 24/7.

7.) I LOVE to write. As a blogger, that should be a given, however, I took a grad-level writing class and it was very difficult to switch to formal writing and abandon my conversational style. If my professor read my posts, I’m sure he’d grade me with a big fat C-. He’d say, “word economy, Penny!” meaning, I ramble. I started writing a novel based on my experience- half memoir, half fiction. I made it past the first 100 pages but paused on the story to focus on my blog and school. Maybe one day soon I’ll pick it up again.

I nominate the following 15 blogs to those who I find inspiring and embody the spirit of blogging at its best:
















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